ASP.Net Web Forms SignalR Object has no Method


New Member
I added SignalR to an existing ASP.Net 4 Web Forms application. Created a new folder called Hubs and added a Hub like so:\[code\][HubName("UpdatesHub")]public class UpdatesHub : Hub{ public void DownloadUpdates() { // Code Removed }}\[/code\]Added the RouteTable.Routes.MapHubs(); to Application_Start and added the following to the page:\[code\]<script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { // Declare a proxy to reference the hub. var upd = $.connection.UpdatesHub; // Code Removed // Start the connection. $.connection.hub.start().done(function () { $('#btnDownload').click(function () { upd.server.DownloadUpdates(); }); }); });</script>\[/code\]But whenever I click the button I just get "Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'DownloadUpdates'". I have tried removing and readding signalr via NuGet but can't seem to get this to work, help!