are our internet rights gonna be taken away in the name of security now?


New Member
http//<br />
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i guess its true seeing as the backbone of the internet can be taken down within 30 minutes given the right tools. my question is why should i give up my rights because nobody had any common sense to think that this would happen earlier?<br />


New Member
They can't touch the internet. I have complete control, even if the ISP decides to throttle my unlimited connection. Basic encryption gets through any worry of abuse of the patriot act. it's really not a big deal for anyone.

There are numerous websites who are constantly threatened by government and yet still remain, not only online, but they are growing and getting stronger.


New Member
Its already happening. You need to download the white paper that was originally on the "Project For a New American Century" web site, titled "Rebuilding Americas Defenses". Unfortunately, the cowards took the site down. The Neo-Con's planned the invasion of Iraq 10 years ago. They also, in the same paper, planned the "control" of cyberspace, which they call the new frontier.

THe first step was passing legislation that gave immunity to the ISP's. If you read it carefully, it wasn't all about spying. Internet usage was there too.

its amazing that we have let this country move so close to the Chinese dictatorship. The Chinese government decides what web sites the Chinese are able to see. They decide every aspect of life in their contry. How did we allow this to happen in the USA?


Sad bigtime. We got lots of work to do, once the nuts in the whitehouse are gone, to reverse the damage they've done (all to "protect us").


New Member
Our rights have been taken away from us for everything. We can't even sit on a toilet and take a crap now without someone thinking we're putting a bomb in the toilet. Well, other than a big turd, there's no bomb coming out of my a$$.