alternative way of writing cookies using substring


New Member
hi guys, i have two html pages and what i'm trying to do is to write html2 in a slighty different way. if you look at html2 there is a code like this: NameString = document.cookie.substring(Pos+20,Pos+8) //extract the 12 characters from where the name starts. now this code requires me to look for a file called cookie.txt on netscape subdirectory as you can see from the attachment!! BUT the main problem i got is i cannot find the cookie.txt file in netscape 8.0 folder. so i was wondering if there is an alternative way or easier way of writing the code in html2 without looking at the cookie.txt file.

here are the two hmtl page:
.............................html1................ ........
<body bgcolor=green vlink=white>


function AddTotal () {
document.myForm.Total.value = document.myForm.Item1.checked + document.myForm.Item2.checked
+ document.myForm.Item3.checked + document.myForm.Item4.checked

function setCookieUser() {
var expire = new Date()
var oneHour = expire.getTime() + (60 * 60 * 1000)
userName = document.myForm.nameField.value
document.cookie = "userName="+userName+";expires=" + expire.toGMTString()

function displayCookie() {

function setCookie() {
var expire = new Date()

var oneHour = expire.getTime() + (60 * 60 * 1000)
itemsOrdered = document.myForm.Total.value
document.cookie = "Ordered="+itemsOrdered +"; expires=" +

// deleting refreshes other entries into file
// must match name+value to delete
function deleteIt() { //set the cookie name with an expired date to delete it
document.cookie = "userName=hhh; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT"


<FORM NAME=myForm>
Enter your name : <INPUT SIZE =12 TYPE="text" name=nameField onBlur="setCookieUser()">
(will set userName cookie when being typed in)<p>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Display Cookies"
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Delete A Cookie Value"
Choose your items: <br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Item1" VALUE="Item1" onClick="AddTotal()" > <br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Item2" VALUE="Item2" onClick="AddTotal()"> <br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Item3" VALUE="Item3" onClick="AddTotal()"> <br>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="Item4" VALUE="Item4" onClick="AddTotal()"> <br>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Set Ordered cookie"
Total = <INPUT SIZE =12 TYPE="text" name=Total >



........................html2..................... ...
This is the value of my cookie

<body bgcolor=orange vlink=white>

//trycookie2.htm //to be able to print to the browser screen
Pos= document.cookie.indexOf("userName") //search for userName in cookie string
NameString = document.cookie.substring(Pos+20,Pos+8) //extract the 12 characters from where the name starts
Pos= document.cookie.indexOf("Ordered")
OrderedString = document.cookie.substring(Pos+10,Pos+8)

document.writeln( "Name "+ NameString + " Ordered= " + OrderedString)
// print out to the browser page
