Admin Online Chat


New Member
- First you need to create the MySQL database.
  All you need is a MySQL database assosiated with a username/password.
  So create a database using your hosting control panel. If your Hosting Provider supports
  CPanel you may do it easily. Just login to cpanel and create a database in MySQL section.
  Then you need to create a set of username/password and then assign it to your database.
  If everything goes fine, CPanel will show you some connection samples.

- Open up the 'config.php' file in your favourite text editor (e.g. Crimson Editor), this file
  is in phponline folder.
  There are some tags which need modification here:

  $DBHost is the host name of MySQL database, normally it will be localhost.
      Example: $DBHost = 'localhost';

  $DBUsername is the username to access to database. If you use cpanel, you may find it 
              in sample connection instructions.
      Example: $DBUsername = 'youraccountusername_yourdefinedusername';

  $DBPassword is the password of the above username.
      Example: $DBPassword = 'yourpassword';

  $DBDatabase is the name of the database you created using MySQL. If you use cpanel, you
              may find it in sample connection instructions.
      Example: $DBDatabase = 'youraccountname_livesupport';

  Save these changes and exit the file

- Create a folder in the document root of your site with your favorite name, for example you
  may use "phponline". Then upload the contents of local phponline folder to phponline folder
  of your web site. So you must see for example config.php in ..../phponline/config.php, and 
  if you use cpanel, you may see it under /home/your_user_name/public_html/phponline/config.php

- Now all you have to do is to login to the admin panel. To do that open a browser and point it
  to your site and the directory you've stored the phpOnline files, For instance if you uploaded
  to a folder named "phponline" it will be
  If you receive any kind of errors or can not connect to database you need to control database
  variables in config.php again.
- Installation is now complete! Login to admin area and change the configuration
  if it's necessary.

I am Using this on my forum

[b]Defult User name : admin
Password : adm123[/b]

Note :

After Installation Change the password

Download All Files Which was attached and follow the intruction

I am post this here because every person wants to talk his forum admin so it is very easy to talk without messanger or any id

