Wrist pain, ulna side supination pronation?


New Member
Hello, all I fell oddly about 3 days ago and have hurt my wrist. The puzzling thing is that there doesn't appear to be any swelling? The pain is greatly accentuated while pronation my arm, the same motion involved when checking the time on a wrist watch. Any suggestion, I'm convinced it's just a soft tissue injury.<br />
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Is it worth consulting a doctor to see if it needs immobilizing?<br />
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Cheers, <br />
d.<br />


New Member
Have it checked out as there is a possibility of a hairline fracture. In the meantime use ice on the area for fifteen to twenty minutes each hour to prevent swelling and pain. You can use a wrist splint to stabilize the wrist until you are seen. Hopefully it is nothing more than a stretched muscle or tendon.