This seriously isn't fair?


New Member
Alright...I've been wanting to get this off my chest for a long time<br />
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Do you know how dubbed shows like Bleach, Shuffle, Naruto, and Code Geass are put on to video hosting sites and removed because they didn't have a copyright signature from like Funimation, Bandai, Viz Media, etc.? Well, why is it that they put SUBBED versions of said shows and they stay on YouTube for all eternity and without a copyright claim. How does that make even the slightest amount of sense? Most people HATE dubbed anime and prefer subbed anime instead. So why would people even care if they were put on there?<br />


New Member
maybe japanese copyrights dont apply to us in america, besides those videos are the ones that arent under the jurisdiction of the american companies that you mentioned


New Member
well one they are dubbed they come with the copyrights... think of the money they lose because people can see their dubbed version for free.. and well subbed ones do not belong to any american copyright yet. so i think they let people see them so that way once they do get them dubbed more people know abou them..

like things like Ouran Host Club.. not many people would be in love with the show if they had not seen it subbed.. but now that they are getting ready to realse it in the states it getting hard to find online for free...and i know that it will be hard to ever find them dubbed.. o well....


New Member
Yes, I agree this is very annoying

Whenever I search it up in youtube or veoh or crunchyroll they always come out

This video has been removed for copyright violation
This video is no longer licensed

It really isn't fair!!! It's pissing me off!!!