The Beatles or Jonas Brothers...????

My Mom was watching the chanel E!<br />
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and i heard one of the host of the daily 10 say (since my computor is near the tv) ....<br />
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the jonas brothers are like the beatles, since they both attract girls, how can you think that, no duh the beatles did, they are rock gods, the jonas brothers only attrat 5 year olds.<br />
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what's your opinion on this<br />


New Member
I dislike the Jonas Brothers almost as much as i dislike Joy Division.

The answer is The Beatles.


New Member
hands down the beatles they're a legend and the jonas brothers are just some wanna be rock stars that want to catch up to the status of led zepplin, never gonna happen
"...they both attract girls."
That's the stupidest comparison I've heard.
I guess they don't realize that music isn't about the looks (or it shouldn't be, at least).


New Member
i'm a rocker chic not a screaming cause some hot guy is singing something totally moronic and useless. i scream because the band is awesome. doesn't matter what they look like as long as their music rocks.


New Member
The Jonas Brothers aren't even close to what the Beatles were. Their music isn't even on the same level. I still don't understand why people like them. I mean have they heard them? The Beatles defined a generation where as the Jonas Brothers are just another fad that will pass.


New Member
beatles actually made they're music

and jonas brother are really just hollywood stars who sing for disney (disney stars) until they build up they're own fandom and music i cant even think of considering them rock

you cant compare the beatles to guys who made decades of classic legendary music to 3 teenage brothers who doesnt even have drummer (they need a back up band) and got a lot of attention in the past 3 years


New Member
personally I love the Jonas Brothers (and i am NOT 5!) but I know they are not at the same level as the beatles. I am a bigger fan of the Jonas Brothers probably because they are new and like from my time if that makes sense. But they did a cover of HelloGoodbye and it was not half as good as the Beatles i have to admit. The only reason they are compared to the Beatles is because they have tons of girl fans who like go to their concerts 4 days before it starts and crazy stuff like that. But they still have a while before they reach Beatle status.
oh and to the person above me, the youngest brother in the band (Nick) plays drums in some songs but he can't play two instruments at once so he switches between piano, drums, and guitar.


New Member
I really don't care for either one to be honest. The Beatles were The Jonas Brothers of their time. Sorry, but it is true man. It's no wonder people always seem to be comparing and contrasting The Beatles to The Jonas Brothers. I personally don't care if you or anyone agrees or disagrees with me, but I am just telling it to you straight up.

EDIT LMAO, it looks like I got a few people ticked off with my answer. Sorry people but it is true, and I don't care what you people say or think of my answer. Yes, The Beatles did influence many great bands, but they did have annoying fangirls drooling over them just like The Jonas Brothers do.


New Member
It's ridiculous to even think to compare the Jonas Brothers to The Beatles... the Beatles were much, much better and on an entirely different level.

The Jonas Brothers, on the other hand, are horrible.


New Member
The Jonas Brothers??!!?? LMAO

They have done nothing in life.

It should be a crime to even mention those boys in the same sentence as The Beatles....come on. Attracting girls has nothing to do with music,

Instruments and Lyrics!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
how can you possibly even compare the two. The Beatles(all 4) have more talent in their pinky toes then the Jonas Sisters ever will. I'm sure that John and George are rolling in their graves at this disgrace.


New Member
We have two choices
1-the one who said that is insane
2-the one who said that is just joking

I have no other word to say


New Member
I don't like either, but it is true. They both attract girls and are insanely mainstream, and poppy. I respect the Beatles, but I don't agree that they are amazing. If that was a band today, some might pull the "music today sucks" thing.