Run different PHP versions on virtual hosts in apache 2.2


New Member
How can I configure Apache 2.2 server to have PHP 5.3 in all virtual hosts, except one virtual host in which to run PHP 4.4? I have all the php and .dll files.

---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 PM ----------

If it is useful for someone, I found this example on the net:
Code: # Port-based virtual hosting: every php install uses a vhost on a different portListen 8447Listen 8423### BASE virtualhost### set up the main php version we're using<VirtualHost *:80> LoadModule php5_module "E:/php5/php5apache2_2.dll" PHPIniDir "E:/php5" php_value extension_dir "E:/php5/ext/" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps</VirtualHost><VirtualHost *:8447> # it would be handy to use php_value directives, but CGI versions of php will not grok them, # so we rely on different php.ini SetEnv PHPRC "E:/php4/" ScriptAlias /php447/ "E:/php4/" Action application/x-httpd-php447 "/php447/php.exe" AddType application/x-httpd-php447 .php .inc # apache 2.2 denies access to the php cgi executable, unless it is explicitly granted <Directory "E:/php4/"> <Files "php.exe"> Allow from all </Files> </Directory></VirtualHost><VirtualHost *:8423> SetEnv PHPRC "E:/php423/" ScriptAlias /php423/ "E:/php423/" Action application/x-httpd-php423 "/php423/php.exe" AddType application/x-httpd-php423 .php .inc <Directory "E:/php423/"> <Files "php.exe"> Allow from all </Files> </Directory></VirtualHost> Why would anyone need PHP 4? Just curious To test some old scripts which use functions deprecated in PHP 5.2 +.
There are good scripts created with php 4.4, and they need to be tested before rewrite them with php 5.3 . Wouldn't your tests be invalid once you rewrite it in PHP 5.4? Which is a complete rewrite from PHP4 There are just some clients that refuse to upgrade so as a developer you might want to keep both versions available on one server for yourself rather than using a clients machine to develop each system. I also have some problems regarding PHP, few days ago PHP stopped working , i mean one of my clients script stopped working , Don't know what it stopped , i was trying but it couldn't be ok. Start checking the logs. Quote: Originally Posted by kirtan I also have some problems regarding PHP, few days ago PHP stopped working , i mean one of my clients script stopped working , Don't know what it stopped , i was trying but it couldn't be ok. "Stopped working" is such a broad term. What error message did it display? Is it just plain server or any control panel installed on it? If you run cPanel, you can easily run dual php versions.