Reported Post by Filez


New Member
Filez has reported a post.

Ban this mofo his disrespect , abusive language and such are a clear violation of what vBteam stands for.
Post: Nd-transform [3.8.2]
Forum: 3.8.x Free Styles
Assigned Moderators: N/A

Posted by: Dtown2
Original Content:
lmao yes there are soo shitty yet if it were commercial you idiots would ripp it soo don't contridict yourself there fagboy you only wish u had the skills to produce something like that and knowing it would be ripped its must be that dam good lookin

I know my shit is good and you know it too...otherwise ur phags wouldn't be tryin to rip my shit......yea stfu and take that dam ring out ya lip ya fag ....or does it turn your boyfriend one when ur suckin his dick