Punkbuster Guid Check Tool


New Member
I have made this public for everyone to see and you may use it as you wish. All you need is the full guid or last eight of the guid. Once I have made all the modifcations and made it look fancy I will release to public for adding to website.This was made for gaming people in mind who play online games that use punkbuster.

ex. full guid (022c20a9f1c6bdcfa158cb31922ef19d)
ex. last eight of guid (922ef19d)


3rd Navigation to the left.

You may check the guids at PBBans & PsB to see if they are banned. If you wish to see anymore features please let me know.

*UPDATE* I have now made it a popup so it doesnt take you off the page so that you can check both sites.
*UPDATE* Added Streaming Server check so you can check to see if servers are streaming to either of these repositories (PBBans or PsB)