IE6 vs. IE7 CSS display problem?


New Member
At the website in IE7 and Firefox the content displays perfectly. But in IE6 it does not. The left and right DIV are not aligned right and overlap. I cannot figure out why this is? Anyone? The left content DIV is named 'news' and the right one is named 'rightmenu'. It appears the right and left margins in IE6 are bigger and causing the two DIVs to push into and overlap each other. Please help if possible. <br />


New Member
IE6 has problems with its "box model" implementation. It calculates the width and height in its own way which differs from w3c implementation. I suggest you tweak your css and make it portable on all three browsers by avoiding unnecessary padding or margins.

Or better, implement css "hacks" that target specific browsers. Yes, it is possible to write css in a way that only a specific browser interprets it, so after you are done with your normal css that works in IE7 and FF, add a hack that only affects IE6, tweak you css a bit for IE6 and add.


New Member
By the MS IE6 to IE7 rendering bugs fixed is well documented. In addition, adding greater support for CSS CSS hackers as a filter, so bad. Also well documented. Bug fix on IE7's search has brought a ton of things. But overall, IE7 and IE6 rendering the same for IE6 web development. I have never seen anything, I noticed this. Of course, the reverse is not true - if you develop for IE7 to use some more advanced CSS selectors are now supported you will certainly experience a significant difference.