how would you feel if your child was prevented by the politburo of the usa from singing at the olymp

you should read this article before you answer, since you may not NOW know what a politburo is. <br />
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the chinese politburo determined that the young girl that sang the national anthem of china was to SING it for the perfection and beauty of her voice, but that she was not to be SEEN singing it at the opening ceremonies of the beijing summer olympics because she did not "look" flawless. instead, they had another so-called "flawless" little girl that has been in TV commercials, who was "cute" enough to be allowed to appear in her little red dress at the ceremonies, lip sync the actual singer's music. <br />
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does that reflect the "flawless [character] feelings and [perfection]" of the chinese people as a whole, especially when represented by the chinese politburo? <br />
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note in the article that also, the real singer could not have even been deemed flawless in her inner feelings, so important to the Committee that chose who could, and who could not, represent the Great and Harmonious China, a country of so much perfection--she had to be replaced. <br />
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neither do i see any news stories about the liberal actors in hollywood standing ready to pay for the real singer's family, and their daughter (nice they did not drown her for being born a female), to come on a visa to the usa and to stay here, so that they could pay to get her teeth to be "flawless," along with plastic surgery, so that she could sing in public and on TV with her "flawless" good looks. who knows? maybe then, she would learn english flawlessly enough to even be in the movies made in Hollywood! ahh, the hollywood actor libs would take such pride! but you don't see an offer on the table, do you? maybe the girl isn't deemed by THEM, so liberal, to be flawless enough to invite her and her probably dirt poor ($2/day) family here. <br />
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our country is so close to becoming a phony communistic country, while communistic china, with our money, is investing its "sovereign funds" on our real estate, particularly buying up homes that banks have foreclosed on, for $0.60 - $0.80 on the dollar<br />
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http//<br />
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actually, it would be ideal if a protest was now held at tieneman square in front of the forbidden palace in beijing for the chinese to practice the human right to NOT be born with a face or teeth too "unflawless" to be seen on international TV. do you think the chinese would kill the protesters and run them down with tanks now, during the olympics? i do not think they would dare! after all, china is the land of harmony between all people, making the world coke bottles sing, and welcomes all of its citizens equally because it is communist. but not on internationally-broadcast TV, that is.<br />
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our forthcoming elections will determine which way this broke country turns, just in time, so he thinks, for the mayor of chicago, richard m. daley, to host the winter olympics in chicago when he complains that no money is available to fix the public transit system. daley is over in bejing, btw, looking his good old unflawless yuppie self, eating the best of food with the politburos on invitation. our president, GWB, had not wanted to attend as a protest to human rights violations in china--it really was difficult to get him to go at all. i applaud that in bush.<br />
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so, what kind of country do you want to evolve into, out of the upcoming elections? do you want communism, masked under the false pretenses of "socialism," which never did exist anywhere in the world at any time? or do you want to keep our republic, which allows even for crippled people with false limbs to openly walk in public and to be rewarded, proud participants in special olympics? <br />
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i myself prefer being "flawed."


New Member
China is messed up. Heck, the whole world is messed up. But fear not; when Jesus comes back, there will be no more pain, no more sorrow [except for those who did not accept Him into their hearts].


New Member
I wonder if her name was Milli?
It is a stupid thing to do. It is an even stupider thing to leak out if it was true.
But hey, thats show biz for ya, and it is not part of the competition, just their stage show.


New Member
before anybody starts critisizing china i've got the real story

little girl #2 (the one who wasn't chosen) wasn't not chosen because of her looks it was because she had stage fright. altho she had the best voice she was too scared to sing in front of that many they went with the little girl #1 who was extremely experienced as she had sang in front of millions b4 ...IT WAS NOT BECAUSE OF THE GIRLS TEETH!