How to make Own RDP


New Member
I want to know how I can setup a own RDP server with windows. Can Anyone give the tut with Photos and video Last edited by Hlite; 6th Jan 2013 at 06:44 PM. Google is your best friend to setup RDP. If you just want a single user RDP, just install windows OS, modify the firewall settings, allow RDP. Connect. I want to set up it to my friends. So server is better to buy and how can Assemble it it depends on the number of your friends.
if it's just a few (2 or 5 is max i think), you can use normal RDP.
Just allow users to connect via RDP. (
evtl. you have to create a new group and give the group access via gprmanager
(just google it)

if you need more, you need a terminal-Server
install the role "remote Desktop services"
and configure it (you need more licences if you do this)
with that you can get lots of users connect simultaniously on the server.
(not sure if you get a installations-instruction with many pictures, since this is a "pro"-feature.

asuming you have a windows server as OS