Dedicated Server Optimisation, advice wanted

I run a Vbulletin forum on my Ubuntu server, does anyone know much about Server Optimisation? I have of course done all the standard Vbulletin specific optimisations(moving avatars out of database etc) and I use Xcache

I feel like there is more that could be done but everytime I ask somewhere I'm told to refer to an expert which frankly isn't that helpful seeing as no "expert" is ever provided

I appreciate that this can probably get quite complicated but if someone could point me towards a guide for some more basic stuff or something that would be appreciated Why ubuntu ? You need to optimize mysql, webserver to yield better performance. Actually, you must decide first what uses high resources and then optimize the system accordingly. Quote: Originally Posted by onel0ve Quote: Originally Posted by onel0ve Why ubuntu ? Please don't recommend centOS.