Cpanel - counts number of hits per image?


New Member
is there somewhere on cpanel where the number of counts/hits/request of a particular image can be seen? example, how many times the logo on the homepage has been displayed in the whole July?<br />


New Member
There are a few ways of doing this. However, it will depend on your version of CPanel and on the options that are activated.

AWSTATS lets you see many stats about your site. However, I don't think you'll get the details on a particular image.

The Raw Access Log is another way of obtaining this information. Since you're looking at raw data, you can probably get the information you want, but you'll have to do a bit of data post-processing...

Finally, if all else fails, the final solution would probably to create a small PHP script and you create your own counters in a database. Simply create a table (e.g. 'counters') and when your image is displayed, do a

UPDATE counters SET counter = counter+1 WHERE img_name='mainlogo';

Good luck!