bullet - hover


I am trying to make the bullet in a list change when you hover in the list item. This works in IE but not in NS. How do you do this so it works in both:

ul {
list-style-image: url("files/red_diamond.gif");
ul a:hover {
list-style-image: url("files/blue_arrow.gif");
}First off I think I'd style the <li> rather than the <ul>. Then, you've styled a hovered <a> but not a visited or linked <a>. This is also one of those cases where you MAY have to do some redundant code to get both browsers since an <a> doesn't have a list-style-image (but that worked for IE) but IE doesn't understand hovering over a <li> like NS/Moz does.That would explain some code that I just found that worked but had both UL and LI

Thanks again ray326 :)