Are gut feelings linked to human instincts?


New Member
Relationship example A woman who feels in her gut her boyfriend/husband is cheating, but has no proof. But later on down the road the signs pop up and admission from the man rises to the surface. <br />
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Social Example People's first impressions with people they meet. Sometimes people get a gut feeling about someone being dangerous or a place being dangerous and attempts to exchange locations.<br />
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General life example When making a tough decision such as signing over your life to the military for a min of four years, but your gut feels that this is going to be a mistake.<br />
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So do you believe gut feelings ever have significance? Are gut feelings linked to instinct?<br />


New Member
Absolutely! I rely on my gut for many things... even if it's just walking my dog alone in my neighborhood. I had my ipod on but felt like someone was behind me. But my dog hadn't even acknowledged it. i wasn't convinced. I turned around and there was a creepy guy who was walking 20 feet behind me. I hightailed out of there--- it was my gut that told me to turn around!


New Member
i think my gut feelings have significance because usually when i think something bad is going to happen, it does. your relationship example actually happened to me personally.


New Member
Gut feelings are human way of survival we all have it other wise we not be able to survive. So yes they are linked to human instincts.


New Member
I believe so, your mind is telling your body something. Those that have the best of there gut feelings are the ones that are in connect with there mind body and soul. They can spot something out way before it happens. Those that arent that connected can only meet half way.
The human mind is so powerful its a shame nobody puts there thoughts to use.

So yes i do believe that the gut feeling is a linked to instinct...its our nature