

New Member

Do you think you could add any more adverts, popups, links etc to this site?

Sure have a few but take it easy guys.


New Member
ckained said:

Do you think you could add any more adverts, popups, links etc to this site?

Sure have a few but take it easy guys.
.v0id has given us a great service for free, servers can cost heaps to maintain, adverts help pay for costs, so appreciate the service and stop complaining. If you really can't help yourself, you can donate to get rid of ads, I have.


New Member
psilocybin said:
It was temporary to see which ads were best. Now that they are removed you can leech popup free again. :)

rofl. Nice one. If you don't like the ads, donate and poof, they're gone! It's like magic, you know.


New Member
ckained said:

Do you think you could add any more adverts, popups, links etc to this site?

Sure have a few but take it easy guys.

I am a donor and frankly Speaking there are No ads and browsing is much more better. Try donating


New Member
.v0id said:
Do you think you could donate and get rid of the ads?

i already did and the ads werent taken away

ive PMed yourself and Hoxxy and still am getting popups

do you think you can remove the ads seen as ive Donated?


New Member
.v0id said:
I can't find anything confirming your payment.

maybe my registration email is different to my paypal.

heres the paypal log

Apr. 23, 2009 Payment To ****** ****** Completed -10.00 0.00 -£10.00 GBP


New Member
Well it does not bother with with the ads. As i now how much it costs to run a website. as i own 5. so i will keep them up and click as well. to help you :).. But i might donate.


New Member
it get annoying the pop ups inside the forum its okay but the popups i say have to go... i just closed 8 popups after just opening 4 threads...