[3.8.2][mmmxiv] ViZi0n


New Member
=-=-                                                                 -=-= 
=-=-                                                     ;;ww        -=-=
=-=-                               """";;                kkMM""      -=-=
=-=-        ;;MMtt            tttt    ""JJ              ZZMM""       -=-=
=-=-        JJMM""          ""    ;;;;  ;;;;            RRMM""       -=-=
=-=-        RRMM""          tt    ;;  tt  tt        kkZZMMMMwwJJww   -=-=
=-=-      ttMMMMtt          "";;  ;;  ;;  ;;""    ttMMMMMMMMMMMMMM   -=-=
=-=-    MMRRMMMMRRRRMM;;    ;;""""  tttt  tt        kkMMMMMMZZtt     -=-=
=-=-  ;;RRMMMMMMMMRRww      tt  ;;  ;;tt""          kkMMRRMMRR       -=-=
=-=-    ttMMMMMMZZ;;        ;;tt    ;;tt            "";;ttMMMM       -=-=
=-=-    JJRRwwMMMM              ;;JJ                      JJ""       -=-=
=-=-          RRMM                                kk                 -=-=
=-=-                  tt      JJRR              kkMMww    kkMM       -=-=
=-=-          MMww  kkMMRR  ttMMMMJJwwww;;    kkRRMMww  ttMMww       -=-=
=-=-      ""ZZMMZZRRRRMMZZRRRRMMMMwwwwwwwwkkwwwwwwZZRRwwRRMM;;       -=-=
=-=-    ttMMMMMMRRMMMMMMRRMMMMMMMMwwwwwwwwwwwwkkZZMMMMMMMMZZ         -=-=
=-=-  ""MMZZwwRRMMwwJJRRMMww  ttMMRRwwwwwwwwwwwwMMMMwwMMMM""         -=-=
=-=-    tt    kkMMkk  ZZMMkk    MMZZww    ttwwkkRRkk  RRMM           -=-=
=-=-          ;;MMZZ  ;;RRtt    ;;JJ                  ;;             -=-=
=-=-                              MM                                 -=-=
=-=-                            kkMM""                               -=-=
=-=-                            RRMM                                 -=-=
=-=-                            MMMM;;                               -=-=
=-=-                        wwZZMMMMwwJJww                           -=-=
=-=-                      ttMMMMMMMMMMMMMM                           -=-=
=-=-                        kkMMMMMMZZtt                             -=-=
=-=-                        kkMMZZMMZZ                               -=-=
=-=-                        "";;;;MMMM                               -=-=
=-=-                              JJ""                               -=-=
=-=-                                                                 -=-=
=-=-                        mmmxiv presents                          -=-=
=-=-                            ViZi0N  3.8.2                        -=-=
=-=-                                            mmmxiv ascii by Hoxxy-=-=               
=-=-                           ReSoUrCeS                             -=-=
=-=-        http://www.iconspedia.com                                -=-=
=-=-        http://www.freecsstemplates.org                          -=-=
=-=-                                                                 -=-=
=-=-                           iNSTALL iNF0                          -=-=
=-=-                                                                 -=-=
=-=-       1] Upload 'vizion' to forum root                          -=-=
=-=-       2] Import vizion.xml through vBulletin AdminCP            -=-=
=-=-       3] Click 'Thanks' in the thread you downloaded from       -=-=
=-=-                                                                 -=-=
=-=-                           gReEtZ                                -=-=
=-=-                                                                 -=-=
=-=-                                                                 -=-=
=-=-              gReetZ to the all da good RiPPERz                  -=-=
=-=-                                                                 -=-=
=-=-                                                                 -=-=
=-=-                    ~~ @leechers, CONTRiBUTE!! ~~                -=-=
=-=-                                                                 -=-=
=-=-ascii by mmmxiv                                                  -=-=
=-=-                                               [email protected]=-=

This is just an XML update, no graphical changes are made, see this thread for the graphics

vBulletin AdminCP -> Style Manager -> Styles & Templates -> Download/Upload Styles -> Import ViZi0n XML -> DONE


Click Thanks, no click, no support


New Member
Not really something that can be taught. I just, messed with templates and coding to start off with, ages ago.


New Member
when i uploaded this theme, it wont display any of the basic forum text, like the page title, currently active users, statistics... nothing. theres no text there. i am running 3.8.2..... i dont get it, what did i do wrong. I uploaded the xml right, and i uploaded the images to the root forum folder. i dont get it... someone please help me... thanks!